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Etsy 10,000 Hearts Special Giveaway!

Etsy 10,000 Hearts Special Giveaway!_d0011990_22511098.jpg
I'm totally stoked that more than 10,000 people have hearted me on Etsy!
To say a BIG "thank you" to everyone who has supported me in the past 2.5 years on Etsy, I am giving away 3 prizes of your choice!

PRIZE A - Any medium frame pouch currently available in my Etsy shop that is not OOAK (one-of-a-kind) or limited edition (no custom-embroidered pouches please). (Don't worry, most items are NOT!)
Etsy 10,000 Hearts Special Giveaway!_d0011990_23245643.jpg

PRIZE B - Any mini frame pouch currently available in my Etsy shop
Etsy 10,000 Hearts Special Giveaway!_d0011990_23322127.jpg

PRIZE C - Any large baby bib. (No, I don't sell baby items in my Etsy shop, but please browse my main website - you can find the large bibs here.)
Etsy 10,000 Hearts Special Giveaway!_d0011990_23451486.jpg

Anyone is welcome to enter (even those of you who have not hearted me LOL) - just send me an Etsy convo / direct message through twitter / e-mail (to info@oktak.com) with your name, e-mail adress and the prize you desire. You can apply for any or ALL of the above prizes - but you will only be eligible for one prize. (So if you win Prize A, you won't win Prize B or C.) International entries are welcome! The prizes are completely free, and I will pay for the shipping too (no strings attached!) . DEADLINE for entry is 11:59pm EST March 13th (Friday). I will announce the winners here and on twitter on Saturday, March 14th. I will, of course, contact the winners individually through e-mail as well.

******************** Japanese ********************

Etsy shopで、oktakをお気に入りに登録してくださった方が、10,000人を超えました!

A賞 - 現在Etsy shopにて販売中の、お好きなmedium frame pouch (Mサイズがま口)を1つ。ただし、"OOAK (One of a kind)"(一点もの)や、刺繍入りカスタムオーダーがま口は除外します。

B賞 - 現在Etsy shopにて販売中の、お好きなmini frame pouch (ミニサイズがま口)を1つ。

C賞 - 現在メインショップにて販売中の、お好きなLサイズビブを1枚。


○どなたでも応募できます。米国外からのご応募も歓迎します。A賞からC賞まで、すべてに応募いただくことが可能ですが、複数の賞に当選することはありません。(A賞に当たった方は、B・C賞の抽選からははずすことになります。) (友人・家族も参加可能!ただし抽選の際、一切優遇はしません・笑)

by oktak | 2009-03-10 23:45 | ビジネス
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